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13 Sectors

We have identified 13 Sectors that cover all areas of human activity, and they are all interconnected. By identifying key problems in each of these Sectors and coming up with solutions that will be good for all of them, we can begin to create a thriving world.

We have identified 13 Sectors that cover all areas of human activity, and they are all interconnected. By identifying key problems in each of these Sectors and coming up with solutions that will be good for all of them, we can begin to create a thriving world.

The 13th sector is “Worldview” because how we see the world – what we believe to be true - determines how we experience everything that happens within and around us.

Within each Sector you can explore Critical Issues, Vital Data, Navigating Insights, Solutions Strategies, Success Stories, Everyday Actions (not yet on ThriveOn), and more. Check out your particular areas of interest. Expand out to explore new ones and see how they are all part of a seamless, whole system.

Arts Banner Final


All people will be free to creatively express their innermost passions and insights, in a way that fulfills themselves, inspires others, and does no harm.


The arts are undervalued and suppressed, which isolates us from each other and our deeper selves.


We can use the arts to express our realities, promote and reflect social change, challenge the status quo, and connect more deeply with ourselves and others. A truly open Internet makes it possible to inexpensively share creative inspiration with vast numbers of people through music, poetry, films, photos, paintings and more.

Dive deeper : Economic Critical Issues

Economics Banner Final 2


A thriving humanity on a healthy planet, truly free to meet our own needs, to exchange voluntarily, to build prosperity, and to take care of each other and the environment without coercion or aggression.


The current economy has been taken over by a rigged system that benefits a few at the expense of most. Not only the U.S. but virtually the entire world economy is verging on free-fall collapse, taking the well-being and lives of billions down with it.


We have the power to change our economic system and allow it to work for everyone. There are well-developed and brilliant ideas for how to create truly thriving economies.

The Economics Sector is perhaps the most important one of all to transform because the way the money system works directly impacts each and every person’s job, home, family and community. Creating centralized banks, a system that requires debt and makes up money out of nothing, has allowed the international banking elite to gradually turn almost the entire world into a population of debt-slaves. Exposing and eliminating this system –  and replacing it with an honest and open one - can provide the critical turning point toward creating a world where all can thrive.

Dive deeper : Economic Critical Issues

Education banner new new


A thriving humanity on a healthy planet, truly free to meet our own needs, to exchange voluntarily, to build prosperity, and to take care of each other and the environment without coercion or aggression.


The current economy has been taken over by a rigged system that benefits a few at the expense of most. Not only the U.S. but virtually the entire world economy is verging on free-fall collapse, taking the well-being and lives of billions down with it.


We have the power to change our economic system and allow it to work for everyone. There are well-developed and brilliant ideas for how to create truly thriving economies.

The Economics Sector is perhaps the most important one of all to transform because the way the money system works directly impacts each and every person’s job, home, family and community. Creating centralized banks, a system that requires debt and makes up money out of nothing, has allowed the international banking elite to gradually turn almost the entire world into a population of debt-slaves. Exposing and eliminating this system –  and replacing it with an honest and open one - can provide the critical turning point toward creating a world where all can thrive.

Dive deeper : Economic Critical Issues

4 environment


A thriving humanity on a healthy planet, truly free to meet our own needs, to exchange voluntarily, to build prosperity, and to take care of each other and the environment without coercion or aggression.


The current economy has been taken over by a rigged system that benefits a few at the expense of most. Not only the U.S. but virtually the entire world economy is verging on free-fall collapse, taking the well-being and lives of billions down with it.


We have the power to change our economic system and allow it to work for everyone. There are well-developed and brilliant ideas for how to create truly thriving economies.

The Economics Sector is perhaps the most important one of all to transform because the way the money system works directly impacts each and every person’s job, home, family and community. Creating centralized banks, a system that requires debt and makes up money out of nothing, has allowed the international banking elite to gradually turn almost the entire world into a population of debt-slaves. Exposing and eliminating this system –  and replacing it with an honest and open one - can provide the critical turning point toward creating a world where all can thrive.

Dive deeper : Economic Critical Issues

5 governance


A thriving humanity on a healthy planet, truly free to meet our own needs, to exchange voluntarily, to build prosperity, and to take care of each other and the environment without coercion or aggression.


The current economy has been taken over by a rigged system that benefits a few at the expense of most. Not only the U.S. but virtually the entire world economy is verging on free-fall collapse, taking the well-being and lives of billions down with it.


We have the power to change our economic system and allow it to work for everyone. There are well-developed and brilliant ideas for how to create truly thriving economies.

The Economics Sector is perhaps the most important one of all to transform because the way the money system works directly impacts each and every person’s job, home, family and community. Creating centralized banks, a system that requires debt and makes up money out of nothing, has allowed the international banking elite to gradually turn almost the entire world into a population of debt-slaves. Exposing and eliminating this system –  and replacing it with an honest and open one - can provide the critical turning point toward creating a world where all can thrive.

Dive deeper : Economic Critical Issues

6 health


A thriving humanity on a healthy planet, truly free to meet our own needs, to exchange voluntarily, to build prosperity, and to take care of each other and the environment without coercion or aggression.


The current economy has been taken over by a rigged system that benefits a few at the expense of most. Not only the U.S. but virtually the entire world economy is verging on free-fall collapse, taking the well-being and lives of billions down with it.


We have the power to change our economic system and allow it to work for everyone. There are well-developed and brilliant ideas for how to create truly thriving economies.

The Economics Sector is perhaps the most important one of all to transform because the way the money system works directly impacts each and every person’s job, home, family and community. Creating centralized banks, a system that requires debt and makes up money out of nothing, has allowed the international banking elite to gradually turn almost the entire world into a population of debt-slaves. Exposing and eliminating this system –  and replacing it with an honest and open one - can provide the critical turning point toward creating a world where all can thrive.

Dive deeper : Economic Critical Issues



A thriving humanity on a healthy planet, truly free to meet our own needs, to exchange voluntarily, to build prosperity, and to take care of each other and the environment without coercion or aggression.


The current economy has been taken over by a rigged system that benefits a few at the expense of most. Not only the U.S. but virtually the entire world economy is verging on free-fall collapse, taking the well-being and lives of billions down with it.


We have the power to change our economic system and allow it to work for everyone. There are well-developed and brilliant ideas for how to create truly thriving economies.

The Economics Sector is perhaps the most important one of all to transform because the way the money system works directly impacts each and every person’s job, home, family and community. Creating centralized banks, a system that requires debt and makes up money out of nothing, has allowed the international banking elite to gradually turn almost the entire world into a population of debt-slaves. Exposing and eliminating this system –  and replacing it with an honest and open one - can provide the critical turning point toward creating a world where all can thrive.

Dive deeper : Economic Critical Issues

8 justice


A thriving humanity on a healthy planet, truly free to meet our own needs, to exchange voluntarily, to build prosperity, and to take care of each other and the environment without coercion or aggression.


The current economy has been taken over by a rigged system that benefits a few at the expense of most. Not only the U.S. but virtually the entire world economy is verging on free-fall collapse, taking the well-being and lives of billions down with it.


We have the power to change our economic system and allow it to work for everyone. There are well-developed and brilliant ideas for how to create truly thriving economies.

The Economics Sector is perhaps the most important one of all to transform because the way the money system works directly impacts each and every person’s job, home, family and community. Creating centralized banks, a system that requires debt and makes up money out of nothing, has allowed the international banking elite to gradually turn almost the entire world into a population of debt-slaves. Exposing and eliminating this system –  and replacing it with an honest and open one - can provide the critical turning point toward creating a world where all can thrive.

Dive deeper : Economic Critical Issues

9 media new


We have the power to change our economic system and allow it to work for everyone. There are well-developed and brilliant ideas for how to create truly thriving economies.

The Economics Sector is perhaps the most important one of all to transform because the way the money system works directly impacts each and every person’s job, home, family and community. Creating centralized banks, a system that requires debt and makes up money out of nothing, has allowed the international banking elite to gradually turn almost the entire world into a population of debt-slaves. Exposing and eliminating this system –  and replacing it with an honest and open one - can provide the critical turning point toward creating a world where all can thrive.

Dive deeper : Economic Critical Issues

10 Relations


We have the power to change our economic system and allow it to work for everyone. There are well-developed and brilliant ideas for how to create truly thriving economies.

The Economics Sector is perhaps the most important one of all to transform because the way the money system works directly impacts each and every person’s job, home, family and community. Creating centralized banks, a system that requires debt and makes up money out of nothing, has allowed the international banking elite to gradually turn almost the entire world into a population of debt-slaves. Exposing and eliminating this system –  and replacing it with an honest and open one - can provide the critical turning point toward creating a world where all can thrive.

Dive deeper : Economic Critical Issues

Science Banner Final


People are free to pursue the type of learning that most appeals to their interests, passions, and needs.


The arts are undervalued and suppressed, which isolates us from each other and our deeper selves.


Diverse, alternative schools and teaching models encourage critical thinking and creative expression among students and honor the choice of each individual.

Dive deeper : Economic Critical Issues

12 spirituality new


Diverse, alternative schools and teaching models encourage critical thinking and creative expression among students and honor the choice of each individual.

Dive deeper : Economic Critical Issues

Worldview Banner Final


Diverse, alternative schools and teaching models encourage critical thinking and creative expression among students and honor the choice of each individual.

Dive deeper : Economic Critical Issues

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